
Week of April 30th – May 4th
Monday- Eureka Math Module 6 Topic C Lesson 11
Problem Set and Exit Ticket Pages 175-177
Homework Pages 178-180
Tuesday- Eureka Math Module 6 Topic C Review and Assessment
Wednesday- Eureka Math Module 6 Topic D Lesson 12
Problem Set and Exit Ticket Pages 190-192
Homework Pages 193-195
Thursday- Eureka Math Module 6 Topic D Lesson 13
Problem Set and Exit Ticket Pages 201-203
Homework Pages 204-205
Friday- Eureka Math Module 6 Topic D Lesson 14
Problem Set and Exit Ticket Pages 213-215
Homework Pages 216-217

This week in science we will continue our unit on Light and Sound.
Students will understand how sound can have different pitches
and volumes and plan and conduct scientific investigations to
test how different variables affect the properties of sound
(including pitch and volume). In class we will analyze and interpret
data from observations and measurements to describe how change
in vibration affects the pitch and volume of sound. Students will
continue to work in their Scientific Interactive Workbooks
to complete pages 8-17.